by Norris Brandt
Check It Out!
Petals, Not Peddles
7:00 am, September 29, 2009 — Upper Trestles
Here’s an on-the-scene report from the beach at Trestles to show you firsthand how bad the bike parking is getting.
The beach at Trestles is turning into an urban junkyard. All those bikes are making it tough to even find the dune flowers that used to thrive near the lagoon.
It’s time we did something to manage all those bikes. We need to either organize them, up by the train tracks, or find another way to reduce the number of bikes on the beach.
If we don’t do something, the State Park will try to control it for us. Can’t you just imagine what they would do. Install a “staffed outhouse” to collect $15 for bike entry, require bike permits, or ban them altogether.
Over the years, the number of bikes has exploded. It used to be a rare few who would either peddle from home or cram a bike in the back of their trucks. Now, it seems the only people who don’t ride bikes are the newbies who don’t know any better.
So, let’s start figuring out a way to hide the bikes so we can keep the Trestles experience.
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